Designed, developed and manufactured in the Principality of Monaco, ASEPTA products take advantage of the latest progress in cosmetic science.
Recognized for their effectiveness and their benefits, our brands have been specially developed to keep you feeling great from head... to toe!
LABORATOIRES ASEPTA have been producing and distributing renowned skin care and cosmetic products for more than 75 years.
Repels fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and sandflies
Ensures a protection against stinging insects (fleas, ticks and mosquitoes) during 3 months. Still active with the contact of water. Does not interfere with the animal's sense of smell.
Ajust the collar with the animal neck. Do not tighten: at least two fingers should be able to pass easily between the collar and the animal’s neck. Cut the excess. The collar can be left on the animal while washed. Acts immediately. Use a new collar after 4 months or the event of a new parasite infestation.
Lavender, Geraniol, Icaridine
Against fleas, dust mites, ticks, flies, cokroaches, ants and caterpillars
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