Our brands

Designed, developed and manufactured in the Principality of Monaco, ASEPTA products take advantage of the latest progress in cosmetic science.

Your needs

Recognized for their effectiveness and their benefits, our brands have been specially developed to keep you feeling great from head... to toe!

The Laboratory

LABORATOIRES ASEPTA have been producing and distributing renowned skin care and cosmetic products for more than 75 years.

MOUSSELINE® (1 produit)

MOUSSELINE® sponges are a user-friendly, efficient and soft way to remove impurities from the skin. They’re made of an extremely soft and original material called ‘Poral®’ (polymerized polyvinyl alcohol). Poral® MOUSSELINE® sponges offer all the advantages of a material that can be tolerated by skin, sensitive and otherwise. Poral is covered by Drug Patent No. 1917 which makes it safe to use in various surgical disciplines. MOUSSELINE® sponges have an ideal cellular structure to remove impurities and exudates from the skin with extreme care. MOUSSELINE® sponges provide a rich and creamy lather to any beauty product. MOUSSELINE® sponges do not decompose and can be sterilized in boiling water, especially before and after each use if necessary.


MOUSSELINE® Beautician round Sponge (blue and pink) for a deep cleansing and for face care (2 versions appreciated by beauticians for professional use)

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