Designed, developed and manufactured in the Principality of Monaco, ASEPTA products take advantage of the latest progress in cosmetic science.
Recognized for their effectiveness and their benefits, our brands have been specially developed to keep you feeling great from head... to toe!
LABORATOIRES ASEPTA have been producing and distributing renowned skin care and cosmetic products for more than 75 years.
Repells ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, ...
These Spot-On Pipettes associate the geraniol and lavandin antiparasitic properties with icaridin to repel efficiently fleas, ticks, flies and sandflies (leishmaniasis vector).
Can be used from 4 months of age. To be re-applies every 4 weeks.
Pour the liquid directly onto the skin. The action lasts 4 weeks against fleas and ticks. A 70% efficiency is reported against sandflies, two weeks after application. The action length can change depending on the environment and the dog coat. The efficiency against sandflies lasts 3 months. Acts immediately. Avoid contact with fingers. In case of repeated infestation, renew the treatment not exceeding one application per week.
Lavender, Geraniol, Icaridine, Biocide PT 19
Dull, dry, breaking dog hair. Damaged skin. Preparation for dogs beauty contests.
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